Frequently Asked Questions

Common Kenpo Questions

What ages are accepted for Kenpo?

Ages 6+ are accepted to Kenpo Karate. All students are evaluated for commitment prior to acceptance.

Is Kenpo for both boys and girls?

Yes, all of our classes are co-ed. Students are treated equally regardless of their gender.

How much does Kenpo cost?

Kenpo starts at $150 per month and is discounted the more family members that participate. Please see the pricing section here.

When are Kenpo classes?

Kenpo classes are held five days a week and all five days are included in the pricing. Some students attend three days, some attend all five. Feel free to adjust the days you attend around your family's schedule.

Please see our class schedule here.

Punctuality is expected and a sign up respect, as such, student tardiness is frowned upon. Please try to be early to class.

What do I/my child need to bring to Kenpo?

We recommend all students have a molded mouth guard and a protective sports cup to start.

Will my child be able to get a black belt?

Black belts aren't given freely at our school. Each belt color is earned.

With time, attention, practice, and skill, students earn belt colors as they progress.

Will there be fighting?

Yes. Students spar wearing protective pads under supervision.

Students are typically nervous to spar at first, but quickly learn to become confident in their abilities. We feel this confidence carries over into everyday life.

Questions About our School

Where is the school located?

We are located at 537 N Woodland Road, Lakeside, AZ 85929.

You'll find our school in a building behind the White Mountain Nature Center.

Can I visit the school?

Absolutely. We encourage you to stop by during a Kenpo class and watch for free. Our Kenpo classes are open-door.

Please see our class schedule for a time to come visit during Kenpo.

How do I make a payment?

We accept cash or Zelle.

You can Zelle your payment to (928) 288-2180.

I'm interested in Personal Training or Kickboxing, how do I sign up?

These classes are available by invitation only. Please contact us to discuss your need.