What a typical class looks like:

Our classes begin with lining up and entering the mat in a respectful manner.

Once assembled in an orderly fashion by belt rank, students participate in full body warm-up. Safety is paramount at our school.

Once the class is ready to begin instruction, they will practice Kenpo Karate techniques, learn the Kenpo philosophy, and spar.

All students wear protective gear when sparring to ensure safety.

All students, regardless of age, are expected to practice discipline, respect, and the principle techniques of Kenpo Karate.

  • American Kenpo Karate (/ˈkɛnpoʊ/), is an American hybrid martial art. It is synthesized mainly from Japanese and Okinawan martial arts such as karate, kenpo and judo, with influence from Chinese martial arts.

  • Physically, American Kenpo develops environmental awareness, structural stability, balance, coordination, flow, speed, power, and timing in that order as the student progresses through a step-by-step curriculum. Memorization of the system is optional for gaining functional skills and primarily for students who wish to become instructors. All American Kenpo students are taught how to execute each basic movement in the system and when and why to execute each basic movement.

  • American Kenpo is not a traditional art but a combat science designed to evolve as the practitioners' understanding improves. This also placed the burden of effectiveness on the individual practitioner. It is up to them to make their American Kenpo applications effective by correctly applying the concepts and principles to the instructor's ideal phase techniques.

  • Juniors

    Monday to Thursday 5 PM - 6 PM

    Friday 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM

    These classes are belt advancement classes ages 6-13. At the age of 13 students are evaluated and if shown the proper maturity will be required to train with adults up to their black belt test.

  • Adults

    Monday to Thursday 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM

    Friday 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM

  • Pricing

    We encourage families to practice Karate together. You will notice, the more family members that participate, the more affordable our classes become.

    First student - $150/mo

    Two students from same family - $250/mo

    Three + students from same family - $ 300/mo

    Single-parent and at-risk youth scholarships and tuition assistance available on a case-by-case basis. Contact us for more information.

  • Visit a class

    We have an open-door policy for our Kenpo classes, please feel free to come watch a class for free to see if American Kenpo Karate is right for you.

    Click here for directions to our school 

What does instruction look like?

Beginners start with easy-to-follow scenarios to grasp the fundamentals of American Kenpo for practical self-defense. The training focuses on fluid motions that keep opponents off-balance, allowing for quick adjustments if things don't go as planned. The goal is to act instinctively, thanks to your Kenpo training, transforming uncertainties into confident moves. By the time you reach black belt, you'll have a style that's uniquely yours.

Master the Art of Self-Defense, One Instinctive Move at a Time.

What do I need to buy to get started?

We recommend coming to your first class dressed in comfortable clothing that you can move in.

Acceptance to our school is not guaranteed. Each student must display and express commitment and motivation before being accepted.

Items we recommend all students have:

  • Protective Sports Cup
  • Molded mouth guard

Your Gi (your Karate uniform) must be earned. Once earned, you'll be instructed to purchase your Gi. The uniform you will wear to Karate.

We will also recommend the purchase of protective sparring pads, however we have pads that can be borrowed during class until you purchased your own.

See our recommended products and brands.